Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A women's sex drive

A recent study found that women think about sex 180 times in a day, men only think about it 150 times a day . It makes you wonder how any of us get anything done at all. Your sex drive is controlled by your hormone testosterone, although men have more testosterone than women, it takes less testosterone for a women's sex drive to be high therefore allowing women to think about it more often than men. So I have decide to do an experiment, I am going to have a few friends keep track of how many times they actually think about it, then I will post the results. If you would like to join please be my guess and than post your results on my comments.


Anonymous said...

215 or so for me.

LeAnna said...

wow, you need to get some!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have thought about sex at least 95 times today, not as much as terry byt still alot (and leanna is right you need some B****)

LeAnna said...

Well I have counted at least 139 times today and 50% of them were after Martini's... still that's not as much as terry
(once again you need to get some)

Anonymous said...

ok so I counted today (mind you it was HIV day at work) and I have 225 times but it is only 8pm the night is still young

Anonymous said...

I do not believe I thought about anything that had to do with sex until I spoke to you. Now I can not stop thinking about it. But really at least 112 time today. I can not wait to see what everyone comes up with.
