Saturday, October 14, 2006


After recieving the last email of the sex drive count the results were as followed:
Brianne - 225
Terry - 215
Myself- 139
Trisha - 126
Dan - 112
Cory - 124
Amanda- 120
Bright boy steve - 101
Alex - 95
Jake - 86

Out of all the five men and five women, the women thought about sex more in a day then the men I also think that it is a little funny that the two highest counts were the two oldest people and the lowest count were the two youngest people. I dont know if that has anything to do with it but it is interesting


Unknown said...

maybe the smartest people thought about sex the most...

LeAnna said...

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

maybe because your friends terry and brianna think about it the most and about the same amount they should get together. just a thought