Friday, November 24, 2006

For my sis

We are woods and we can get through anything

love hate relationship

I love computer technology but I hate that I cant seem to get mine working, I am soooo stuck and have no idea what to do. I dont know what a operating system is and I cant figure it out. I need help!

Thursday, November 23, 2006


It may seem like I mean I need to sleep but thats not what I am referring to. I am tired of everyone and everything that is around me, friends dont seem like friends anymore and the ones that do annoy the hell out of me. I try to keep old relationships working but I dont have the energy to always be the one putting something together, always going out of my way for people to do what they do best, flack out.
I cant stand people thinking that they know who I am, the truth is no one in oregon who is my friend knows the real me because we have not been friends long, I have only lived here a year. I am tired of "friends" talking shit about each other behind there back (yes i have done it too) but it is nothing that has not been address to whoever it has to do with. I dont want to fix anyone's relationships with anyone, i dont want to be your Dr. Phill if you cant be mine, I am not your mother in anyway I dont care what you do its your business. If you want to talk to me about life make sure you have been through something first because if you have had a silver spoon in your mouth sense the day you were born chances are you never had to deal with the real world. I dont want to hurt feeling so I leave things nameless but if you want to know If I am speaking about you then ask because yes i will tell you.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Well this is it after 31/2 months my roommate has went out of town and now I have the house to myself, I love you alex i do but I am going to enjoy every moment of this. I am going to have a blast you just wait and see....................Have fun Ali! I will

Monday, November 20, 2006

My only photoshop skills

I am sorry for placing videos on here that you cant see but it was the only one that I had that was somewhat ok.

The Wall Gets Larger!

believe it or not this is the only pic that turned out last night

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Last nights dinner

Last night I went to dinner with a group of friends at Olea's in downtown Portland. Scott Shampine, who is the head Chef their was my good friends boyfriend so we felt extra special. I had a great time and the food was amazing (and the drinks) after great convo. and food we cut to the bill and to my surprise the bill was $600.00, and that was just 10 people. All in all it was worth even if I was the youngest person there