It may seem like I mean I need to sleep but thats not what I am referring to. I am tired of everyone and everything that is around me, friends dont seem like friends anymore and the ones that do annoy the hell out of me. I try to keep old relationships working but I dont have the energy to always be the one putting something together, always going out of my way for people to do what they do best, flack out.
I cant stand people thinking that they know who I am, the truth is no one in oregon who is my friend knows the real me because we have not been friends long, I have only lived here a year. I am tired of "friends" talking shit about each other behind there back (yes i have done it too) but it is nothing that has not been address to whoever it has to do with. I dont want to fix anyone's relationships with anyone, i dont want to be your Dr. Phill if you cant be mine, I am not your mother in anyway I dont care what you do its your business. If you want to talk to me about life make sure you have been through something first because if you have had a silver spoon in your mouth sense the day you were born chances are you never had to deal with the real world. I dont want to hurt feeling so I leave things nameless but if you want to know If I am speaking about you then ask because yes i will tell you.
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