Thursday, October 05, 2006

The purpose of Soul Food

I can remember being a young girl watching my grandmother in the kitchen cooking food for the family, and how much of a big deal it was. The men would be in the living room talking mess to one another and watching some type of game on the television. The women would do the same "talk mess" and cook. At the age I was, I never thought to much about it I just love being apart of it. Now as I get older I see that the amazing soul food that was being prepared was for more than just eating, it was for us all to bond together and to stay as a close family. I now like carrying that tradition on with this side of my family and friends. Although tonight was a night for me to just cook for just a few of my family, I love the feeling of them enjoying the food as well as each others company, we catch up on each others life, we laugh at each other and just reassure each other on the love we have.

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