Tuesday, October 31, 2006

just thinking

I am not good at being alone. I think I am a better person when I have someone in my life. Maybe john and myself need each other to "complete" who we are as people. I was defined as a person when we were together and now that we are not together I kinda have to wounder who I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being alone isn't what life intends for any of us. That doesn't necessarily mean 'a partner' is the only counter part to make us complete. It can be family and friends... even strangers that we take the initive to help, or be kind to. Grasping the truth of creating our own happiness is a life long lesson... happiness cannot be created through another, only ourselves. Loving ourself, appreciating those that care for us and extending kindness to those that need it although they may not ask for it. Learning as much as we can to make better choices, be better people, helping our world... visiting people that never have visitors, (consider visiting home bound people) All of this sounds easy enough to do but it doesn't eliminate how we feel or what you said about being incomplete. Learning to draw our self worth from inside - from our soul... knowing *it's perfect* while we are still learning. When we put others in front of our needs then the world will be a better place for all of us. And you my daughter will get out of the trap of feeling that only another person can make you happy once you begin giving to those that need. Create positive thoughts in your mind of what is to come, don't title it with a specific person in mind, just begin the process, believe, take steps of kindness and all of what you are looking for will follow. It's not necessarily going to be in our timeline, but it will happen. Love all, even those that don't love us... that is the greatest love of all. Most importantly love and care for yourself, be your best friend... and look for opportunities to make the world you live in better for others. You will be loved in a far greater way then you ever knew before.